Radiation  On Collector Source Code

This is the source code for the Radiation On Collector program.  This program estimates the solar radiation on a flat plate solar collector based on its orientation, the date, and the time.


This is just to take a look at before you download -- if you want to download it, then download all the solar classes here:  Solar Tools Source


Radiation On Collector:

'Solar Analysis Tools -
 'Copyright (C) 2005 Gary Reysa (gary@BuildItSolar.com)
 ' This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 ' under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 ' Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 ' any later version.
 ' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful and encourage
 ' further development of solar tools, but   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
 ' See the GNU General Public License   for more details.
'Radiation On Collector
' Given the following:
'   Collector orientation (azimuth and tilt)
'   Date
'   Altitude above sea level
' Radiation on collector will provide:
' With "Day Output" selected:
'    Hour by hour values for:
'       Direct and diffuse Sun intensity
'       Solar azimuth and elevation
'       Radiation incident on the collector (corrected for incidence angle)
'       Solar incidence angle on collector
'       Day totals for above
' With "Monthly Output" selected:
'    Month by Month values for:
'       Direct and Diffuse radiation incident on collector 
'       for one full day of each month.
'Sample Daily Output:
'Solar Radiation on Collector for day of: 11/21
'  Collector Area:           1.0 (sqft)
'  Collector Azimuth:        0.0 (deg) measured from South, + is to East
'  Collector Tilt:          45.0 (deg) measured from horizontal
'  Latitude:                45.0 (deg)
'  Altitude:                 0.0 (ft) Above Sea Level
'  Sun Rise:                 7.4 (hr) Sunrise in solar time
'Time    Sun --------------------------------    Collector ------------------------------
'Hour    Az   Elev  DirNormal  Diffuse  Total    HorzTot IncidAng Direct Diffuse   ITotal
'   4   96.4  -35.0      0        0        0        0      90        0        0        0
'   5   85.6  -24.4      0        0        0        0      90        0        0        0
'   6   75.6  -14.0      0        0        0        0      90        0        0        0
'   7   65.5   -4.0      0        0        0        0      76        0        0        0
'   8   54.8    5.2     75        5       80       12      62       35        4       39
'   9   43.1   13.2    202       13      214       59      48      134       11      145
'  10   29.9   19.5    248       16      264       98      36      202       13      215
'  11   15.4   23.6    267       17      284      124      25      242       14      257
'  12    0.0   25.0    272       17      289      132      20      256       15      271
'  13  -15.4   23.6    267       17      284      124      25      242       14      257
'  14  -29.9   19.5    248       16      264       98      36      202       13      215
'  15  -43.1   13.2    202       13      214       59      48      134       11      145
'  16  -54.8    5.2     75        5       80       12      62       35        4       39
'  17  -65.5   -4.0      0        0        0        0      76        0        0        0
'  18  -75.6  -14.0      0        0        0        0      90        0        0        0
'  19  -85.6  -24.4      0        0        0        0      90        0        0        0
'  20  -96.4  -35.0      0        0        0        0      90        0        0        0
'                    -----   ------   ------    -----            -----    -----    -----
'Day Total            1856      117     1973      717             1483      100     1583 
'Angles in degrees, Radiations in BTU/hr, DayTotal in BTU/day 
'1 BTU/hr-ft^2 = 3.152 W/m^2 
' Sample Monthly Output:
'Month by Month Summary of Sun on Collector
'(100% sunny weather)
'  Collector Area:        1.0 (sqft)
'  Collector Azimuth:     0.0 (deg) measured from South
'  Collector Tilt:       45.0 (deg) measured from horiz
'  Latitude:             45.0 (deg)
'  Altitude above SL:     0.0 (ft) Above Sea Level
'Date ----  Sun ----------------  Collector -----------------------
'Month Day  Direct   Di-   Total    Direct      Difuse     Total
'           Normal   fuse 
'   1   21   1933     112   2045       1540         96       1636
'   2   21   2407     144   2551       1899        123       2022
'   3   21   2838     201   3039       2099        172       2270
'   4   21   3090     301   3391       2031        257       2288
'   5   21   3217     390   3608       1913        333       2246
'   6   21   3268     437   3706       1841        373       2214
'   7   21   3117     424   3541       1852        362       2213
'   8   21   2906     353   3260       1924        301       2225
'   9   21   2634     245   2879       1959        209       2168
'  10   21   2241     162   2404       1783        139       1921
'  11   21   1856     117   1973       1483        100       1583
'  12   21   1632      94   1726       1316         80       1396
'Sum        31140    2981  34121      21639       2545      24183
'Radiation in BTU/day

' Things To Remember:
'  The method assumes 100% sunny weather (no clouds, no fog, no dust, no smog)
'  The method is from: Lunde, Solar Thermal Engineering
'  The method gives the value of solar radiation on the collector surface. 
'       It is calculated as:
'       Icoldir = Idn * cos(IncidenceAngle)     -- direct radiation on panel
'       Icoldif = Idif *                        -- diffuse radiation on panel
'       Icoltot = Icoldir + Icoldif             -- the total radiation on panel
'   Where Idn is the direct normal clear day solar radiation
'         IncidenceAngle is the angle that direct rays from the sun make with the collector surface.
'         Idif is the clear day diffuse solar radiation
'   The effects of the following are not included:
'       Ground reflectance          (would increase radiation)
'       Clouds, fog, smog, dust...  (would decrease radiation)
'       Absorbtion by glazing       (would decrease radiation)
'       Reflection by glazing       (would decrease radiation)
'   Also not included is any allowance for the fact that at high incidence angles a glass faced
'   collector will reflect more and more of the incident sun (this is in addition to the cosine
'   factor, which is included as shown above).
' Updated 2/12/05 to use the updated version of CollectorCls
Imports System.io
Module RadOnCol
Public Const DegPerRad As Single = 57.296
Public Const RadPerDeg As Single = 1.0 / 57.296

Structure DayRec
    Dim Month As Short
    Dim Day As Short
    Dim IdnCum As Double
    Dim IdifCum As Double
    Dim IcoldirCum As Double
    Dim IcoldifCum As Double
End Structure
    '' To do the plot
    'Dim Plot As New PlotFileCls
    'Dim Run1 As RunCls
    Public csv As Boolean = False
' Sunny Day Run -- based on inputs, reports the hour by hour performance of the collector for the
'                  requested day.
'                  Sun data is provided by the SunCls object per the Lunde book
Function SunnyDay(ByVal Month As Short, ByVal Day As Short, _
                ByVal Tilt As Single, ByVal Azimuth As Single, _
                ByVal Area As Single, _
                ByVal Latitude As Single, _
                ByVal Altitude As Single, _
                ByVal outStream As Stream) As DayRec
    Dim DR As New DayRec
    Dim Col As New CollectorCls
    Dim Sun As New SunCls
    Dim ToSunVec As New VectorCls
    Dim Hour As Integer
    Dim SunRise As Single
    Dim AzAng As Double             ' Solar azimuth angle (rad) measured from due South, + to East
    Dim ElevAng As Double           ' Solar Elevation Angle (rad) measured from horizontal
    Dim Idn As Double               ' Solar direct normal radiation
    Dim Idif As Double              ' Solar diffuse radiation
    Dim IhorzTot As Double          ' total radiation on horz surface
    Dim Icoldir As Double           ' Direct radiation on collector
    Dim Icoldif As Double           ' diffuse radiation on collector
    Dim Icoltot As Double           ' sum of Idn and Idif
    Dim IncidAng As Double
    ' Cumulative Total Vars:
    Dim DCumIdn As Double
    Dim DCumIdif As Double
    Dim DCumIhorzTot As Double
    Dim DCumIcoldir As Double       ' Cum direct rad on collector
    Dim DCumIcoldif As Double       ' Cum diffuse rad on collector
    Dim DCumIcoltot As Double       ' Cum total rad on collector
    ' Hourly Totals
    Dim HAzAng(24) As Double
    Dim HElevAng(24) As Double
    Dim HIdn(24) As Double
    Dim HIdif(24) As Double
    Dim HIhorzTot(24) As Double
    Dim HIcoldir(24) As Double
    Dim HIcoldif(24) As Double
    Dim HIcoltot(24) As Double
    Dim HIncidAng(24) As Double
    ' Collector inputs that do not change with time
    Col.Area = Area         '
    Col.Tilt = Tilt
    Col.Azimuth = Azimuth
    ' Get Idn, Idif, sunvector
    Sun.Year = 2003     ' use a non leap year for tmy compatibility
    Sun.Month = Month
    Sun.DayOfMonth = Day
    Sun.Longitude = 0
    Sun.Latitude = Latitude
    Sun.Altitude = Altitude    ' ft above sealevel
    SunRise = Sun.Sunrise()
    ' Step through the day
    For Hour = 1 To 24
            ' Update Sun to new hour
            Sun.ASThr = Hour
            ' Get vector to sun position
            ToSunVec = Sun.ToSunVector
            AzAng = Sun.AzimuthAng
            ElevAng = Sun.AltAng
            'Use full sun weather instead
            Idn = Sun.Idn               ' note no factor for ground reflectance
            Idif = Sun.Idiffuse
            IhorzTot = Sun.Ihorz        ' radiation on horz surface
            'send updates to collector
            Col.Idn = Idn
            Col.Idif = Idif
            Col.SunVector = ToSunVec
            ' get updated collector outputs
            Icoldir = Col.Icoldir
            Icoldif = Col.Icoldif
            Icoltot = Col.Icoltot
            IncidAng = Col.IncidAngle
            ' store sums and whatever you want
            ' Store sums
            HAzAng(Hour) = AzAng
            HElevAng(Hour) = ElevAng
            HIdn(Hour) = Idn
            DCumIdn += HIdn(Hour)
            HIdif(Hour) = Idif
            DCumIdif += HIdif(Hour)
            HIhorzTot(Hour) = IhorzTot
            DCumIhorzTot += HIhorzTot(Hour)
            HIcoldir(Hour) = Icoldir
            DCumIcoldir += HIcoldir(Hour)
            HIcoldif(Hour) = Icoldif
            DCumIcoldif += HIcoldif(Hour)
            HIcoltot(Hour) = Icoltot
            DCumIcoltot += HIcoltot(Hour)
            HIncidAng(Hour) = IncidAng
    Next Hour   ' end of main sim loop
    ' Don't output daily info to file if outStream is null
    If Not (outStream Is Nothing) Then
        'Dim sw As New StreamWriter(DFN)
        Dim sw As StreamWriter
        sw = New StreamWriter(outStream)
        If (csv) Then
            sw.WriteLine("Solar Radiation on Collector for day of: {0,2}/{1,2}", Month, Day)
            sw.WriteLine("  Collector Area:,{0,8:F1},(sqft)", Area)
            sw.WriteLine("  Collector Azimuth:,{0,8:F1},(deg) measured from South, + is to East", Azimuth * DegPerRad)
            sw.WriteLine("  Collector Tilt:,{0,8:F1},(deg) measured from horizontal", Tilt * DegPerRad)
            sw.WriteLine("  Latitude:,{0,8:F1},(deg)", Latitude * DegPerRad)
            sw.WriteLine("  Altitude:,{0,8:F1},(ft) Above Sea Level", Altitude)
            sw.WriteLine("  Sun Rise:,{0,8:F1},(hr) Sunrise in solar time", SunRise)
            sw.WriteLine("Time,Sun ---,,,,Collector --")
            For hx As Short = 4 To 20
                sw.WriteLine("{0,4:N0},{1,6:F1},{2,6:F1},{3,6:F0},{4,6:F0},{5,6:F0},{6,6:F0},{7,6:F0},{8,6:F0},{9,6:F0},{10,6:F0}", _
                    hx, HAzAng(hx) * DegPerRad, HElevAng(hx) * DegPerRad, _
                    HIdn(hx), HIdif(hx), HIdn(hx) + HIdif(hx), Area * HIhorzTot(hx), _
                    HIncidAng(hx) * DegPerRad, Area * HIcoldir(hx), Area * HIcoldif(hx), Area * HIcoltot(hx))
                'sw.WriteLine("{0,4:N0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{1,6:F1}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{2,6:F1}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{3,6:F0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{4,6:F0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{5,6:F0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{6,6:F0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{7,6:F0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{8,6:F0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{9,6:F0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{10,6:F0}", _
                '    hx, HAzAng(hx) * DegPerRad, HElevAng(hx) * DegPerRad, _
                '    HIdn(hx), HIdif(hx), HIdn(hx) + HIdif(hx), Area * HIhorzTot(hx), _
                '    HIncidAng(hx) * DegPerRad, Area * HIcoldir(hx), Area * HIcoldif(hx), Area * HIcoltot(hx))
            sw.WriteLine("Day Total,,,{0,6:F0},{1,6:F0},{2,6:F0},{3,6:F0},,{4,6:F0},{5,6:F0},{6,6:F0} ", _
                    DCumIdn, DCumIdif, DCumIdn + DCumIdif, _
                    Area * DCumIhorzTot, Area * DCumIcoldir, Area * DCumIcoldif, Area * DCumIcoltot)
            sw.WriteLine("Angles in degrees")
            sw.WriteLine("Radiations in BTU/hr")
            sw.WriteLine("DayTotal in BTU/day ")
            sw.WriteLine("1 BTU/hr-ft^2 = 3.152 W/m^2 ")
            sw.WriteLine("Solar Radiation on Collector for day of: {0,2}/{1,2}", Month, Day)
            sw.WriteLine("  Collector Area:      {0,8:F1} (sqft)", Area)
            sw.WriteLine("  Collector Azimuth:   {0,8:F1} (deg) measured from South, + is to East", Azimuth * DegPerRad)
            sw.WriteLine("  Collector Tilt:      {0,8:F1} (deg) measured from horizontal", Tilt * DegPerRad)
            sw.WriteLine("  Latitude:            {0,8:F1} (deg)", Latitude * DegPerRad)
            sw.WriteLine("  Altitude:            {0,8:F1} (ft) Above Sea Level", Altitude)
            sw.WriteLine("  Sun Rise:            {0,8:F1} (hr) Sunrise in solar time", SunRise)
            sw.WriteLine("Time    Sun --------------------------------    Collector ------------------------------")
            sw.WriteLine("Hour    Az   Elev  DirNormal  Diffuse  Total    HorzTot IncidAng Direct Diffuse   ITotal")
            For hx As Short = 4 To 20
                sw.WriteLine("{0,4:N0} {1,6:F1} {2,6:F1} {3,6:F0}   {4,6:F0}   {5,6:F0}   {6,6:F0}  {7,6:F0}   {8,6:F0}   {9,6:F0}   {10,6:F0}", _
                    hx, HAzAng(hx) * DegPerRad, HElevAng(hx) * DegPerRad, _
                    HIdn(hx), HIdif(hx), HIdn(hx) + HIdif(hx), Area * HIhorzTot(hx), _
                    HIncidAng(hx) * DegPerRad, Area * HIcoldir(hx), Area * HIcoldif(hx), Area * HIcoltot(hx))
                'sw.WriteLine("{0,4:N0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{1,6:F1}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{2,6:F1}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{3,6:F0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{4,6:F0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{5,6:F0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{6,6:F0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{7,6:F0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{8,6:F0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{9,6:F0}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{10,6:F0}", _
                '    hx, HAzAng(hx) * DegPerRad, HElevAng(hx) * DegPerRad, _
                '    HIdn(hx), HIdif(hx), HIdn(hx) + HIdif(hx), Area * HIhorzTot(hx), _
                '    HIncidAng(hx) * DegPerRad, Area * HIcoldir(hx), Area * HIcoldif(hx), Area * HIcoltot(hx))
            sw.WriteLine("                    -----   ------   ------    -----            -----    -----    -----")
            sw.WriteLine("Day Total          {0,6:F0}   {1,6:F0}   {2,6:F0}   {3,6:F0}           {4,6:F0}   {5,6:F0}   {6,6:F0} ", _
                    DCumIdn, DCumIdif, DCumIdn + DCumIdif, _
                    Area * DCumIhorzTot, Area * DCumIcoldir, Area * DCumIcoldif, Area * DCumIcoltot)
            sw.WriteLine("Angles in degrees, Radiations in BTU/hr, DayTotal in BTU/day ")
            sw.WriteLine("1 BTU/hr-ft^2 = 3.152 W/m^2 ")
        End If
    End If
    DR.Month = Month
    DR.Day = Day
    DR.IdnCum = DCumIdn
    DR.IdifCum = DCumIdif
    DR.IcoldirCum = DCumIcoldir
    DR.IcoldifCum = DCumIcoldif
    Return DR
End Function ' SunnyDay
' Sunny Year
' Write to a file the month by month summary of solar incidence on a collector
' that is defined by the passed parms.
' Each month is represented by the Day that is passed (e.g. you could pass 15 for middle of 
' month, or 21 to jibe with the solar calendar)
Function SunnyYear(ByVal Day As Short, _
                ByVal Tilt As Single, ByVal Azimuth As Single, _
                ByVal Area As Single, _
                ByVal Latitude As Single, _
                ByVal Altitude As Single, _
                ByVal outStream As Stream) As DayRec
    Dim DayOutStream As Stream = Nothing
    Dim MRecs(13) As DayRec
    Dim YCumIdn As Double
    Dim YCumIdif As Double
    Dim YCumColDir As Double
    Dim YCumColDif As Double
    For ix As Short = 0 To 13
        MRecs(ix) = New DayRec
    Dim mw As StreamWriter
    mw = New StreamWriter(outStream)
    For Month As Short = 1 To 12
        MRecs(Month) = SunnyDay(Month, Day, Tilt, Azimuth, Area, Latitude, Altitude, DayOutStream)
        YCumIdn += MRecs(Month).IdnCum
        YCumIdif += MRecs(Month).IdifCum
        YCumColDir += MRecs(Month).IcoldirCum
        YCumColDif += MRecs(Month).IcoldifCum
    If csv Then
        ' write out the year summary
        mw.WriteLine("Month by Month Summary of Sun on Collector")
        mw.WriteLine("(100% sunny weather)")
        mw.WriteLine("  Collector Area:,{0,8:F1},(sqft)", Area)
        mw.WriteLine("  Collector Azimuth:,{0,8:F1},(deg) measured from South", Azimuth * DegPerRad)
        mw.WriteLine("  Collector Tilt:,{0,8:F1}, (deg) measured from horiz", Tilt * DegPerRad)
        mw.WriteLine("  Latitude:,{0,8:F1}, (deg)", Latitude * DegPerRad)
        mw.WriteLine("  Altitude above SL:,{0,8:F1}, (ft) Above Sea Level", Altitude)
        mw.WriteLine("Date --,,Sun -----,,,  Collector --")
        mw.WriteLine("Month,Day,Direct Normal,Difuse, Total, Direct, Difuse, Total")
        For mx As Short = 1 To 12
            mw.WriteLine("{0,4},{1,4},{2,6:F0},{3,6:F0},{4,6:F0},{5,10:F0},{6,10:F0},{7,10:F0}", _
                                            mx, Day, _
                                            MRecs(mx).IdnCum, MRecs(mx).IdifCum, _
                                            MRecs(mx).IdnCum + MRecs(mx).IdifCum, _
                                            Area * MRecs(mx).IcoldirCum, _
                                            Area * MRecs(mx).IcoldifCum, _
                                            Area * MRecs(mx).IcoldifCum + Area * MRecs(mx).IcoldirCum)
        mw.WriteLine("Sum,,{0,6:F0}, {1,6:F0},{2,6:F0},{3,10:F0},{4,10:F0},{5,10:F0}", _
                YCumIdn, YCumIdif, YCumIdn + YCumIdif, _
                Area * YCumColDir, Area * YCumColDif, Area * YCumColDir + Area * YCumColDif)
        mw.WriteLine("Radiation in BTU/day")
        ' write out the year summary
        mw.WriteLine("Month by Month Summary of Sun on Collector")
        mw.WriteLine("(100% sunny weather)")
        mw.WriteLine("  Collector Area:   {0,8:F1} (sqft)", Area)
        mw.WriteLine("  Collector Azimuth:{0,8:F1} (deg) measured from South", Azimuth * DegPerRad)
        mw.WriteLine("  Collector Tilt:   {0,8:F1} (deg) measured from horiz", Tilt * DegPerRad)
        mw.WriteLine("  Latitude:         {0,8:F1} (deg)", Latitude * DegPerRad)
        mw.WriteLine("  Altitude above SL:{0,8:F1} (ft) Above Sea Level", Altitude)
        mw.WriteLine("Date ----  Sun ----------------  Collector -----------------------")
        mw.WriteLine("Month Day  Direct   Di-   Total    Direct      Difuse     Total")
        mw.WriteLine("           Normal   fuse ")
        For mx As Short = 1 To 12
            mw.WriteLine("{0,4} {1,4} {2,6:F0}  {3,6:F0} {4,6:F0} {5,10:F0} {6,10:F0} {7,10:F0}", _
                                            mx, Day, _
                                            MRecs(mx).IdnCum, MRecs(mx).IdifCum, _
                                            MRecs(mx).IdnCum + MRecs(mx).IdifCum, _
                                            Area * MRecs(mx).IcoldirCum, _
                                            Area * MRecs(mx).IcoldifCum, _
                                            Area * MRecs(mx).IcoldifCum + Area * MRecs(mx).IcoldirCum)
        mw.WriteLine("Sum       {0,6:F0}  {1,6:F0} {2,6:F0} {3,10:F0} {4,10:F0} {5,10:F0}", _
                YCumIdn, YCumIdif, YCumIdn + YCumIdif, _
                Area * YCumColDir, Area * YCumColDif, Area * YCumColDir + Area * YCumColDif)
        mw.WriteLine("Radiation in BTU/day")
    End If
End Function

Sub main()
    Dim CD As String = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() ' rtns the dir that program is executing from (Collector/bin)
    Dim Month As Short = 6                   ' month of year ( 1 to 12)
    Dim Day As Short = 21                       ' Day of month
    Dim Tilt As Single = 40 / DegPerRad         ' Collector tilt from horizontal (rad)
    Dim Azimuth As Single = 0 / DegPerRad       ' Collector azimuth (0 is true south, + to east, (rad) )
    Dim Area As Single = 1                      ' Collector area in ft^2
    Dim Longitude As Single = 0 / DegPerRad     ' Longitude + to West (rad)
    Dim Latitude As Single = 40 / DegPerRad    ' Latitude + North (rad)
    Dim Altitude As Single = 0                  ' feet above SL
    Dim DFN As String                           ' filename for output from SunnyDay
    Dim YFN As String                           ' filename for output from SunnyYear
    Dim FN As String
    DFN = "c:\Documents and Settings\Gary\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\RadOnCol\DayOut.txt"
    YFN = "c:\Documents and Settings\Gary\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\RadOnCol\YearOut"
    ' calc solar indicidence on collector for one day
    'DR = SunnyDay(Month, Day, Tilt, Azimuth, Area, Latitude, Altitude, DFN)
    For Tilt = 0 To 40 Step 10
            FN = YFN & Tilt & ".txt"
            'SunnyYear(Day, Tilt / DegPerRad, Azimuth, Area, Latitude, Altitude, FN)
End Sub  ' main
End Module