Performance Test of A Solar Air Heating Collector Using an Aluminum Screen  Absorber

This is a side by side heating performance test comparing a solar air heating collector that uses two layers of aluminum screen for the absorber to a backpass collector that uses a solid sheet absorber with all the airflow behind the absorber plate. 

Construction of the screen collector is covered here...

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  screen solar collector collector


Test Setup

screen solar collector test setup big bag flow rate

The screen vs backpass collector test was done using the same ducting and blower setup as for the other tests.  The blowers were Elicent AXC 125Bs.

Flow rates were measured using the Big Bag technique.

Flow rates used ranged from 2.3 cfm/sf up to 3.3 cfm/sf. 


performace plot solar air heating collectors

The plot above shows the logged inlet and outlet temperatures for the screen collector (black) and the backpass collector (red).  These can NOT be used directly to compare performance as the flow rates for the two collectors were not exactly equal for the testing.  In order to get a comparison of heat output for the two collectors at a given time, the product of the flow rate times the temperature rise must be compared for each collector.  The table below gives this comparison for several times during the testing.  For example, in the time period around 10:30 am it looks from the termperature plot like the two collectors about tied, but in fact, while the temperature rise is about the same, the screen collector air flow is 2.7 cfm/sf vs 2.4 cfm/sf for the backpass collector -- a 13% difference in flow rate and heat output.

In general, the screen collector output is about 7 to 13% greater than the backpass collector. 

Screen Absorber vs Reference Backpass Collector Solar Air Heating Collector Test
Janary 11, 2011
specific heat 0.24 BTU/lb-F
Col Area 32 sqft
Air Density 0.061 lb/cf
Bag Vol 53.8 cf
Reference Collector  Screen Collector Summary
F F F fpm fpm sec cfm cfm/sf BTU/hr F F F fpm fpm sec cfm cfm/sf BTU/hr
Time Sun Tamb Tgar Tin Tout dT Vin Vout  Fill Time Flow Rate Flow/sf Ref Heat Out Efic Tin Tout dT Vin Vout  Fill Time Flow Rate Flow/sf Scrn Heat Out Efic Hscrn/Href
9:51 725 0.2 50 55.9 95.6 39.7 810 42 76.9 2.4 2680 0.36 55.8 94.9 39.1 805 37.2 86.8 2.7 2980 0.41 1.112
10:12:46 864 4 51 57.2 105 47.8 810 42 76.9 2.4 3227 0.37 58.4 105 46.6 805 37.2 86.8 2.7 3552 0.41 1.101
10:34:16 5 52 58.7 110.7 52 810 42 76.9 2.4 3511   59.9 111.6 51.7 805 37.2 86.8 2.7 3941   1.123
11:24:26 962 8.4 55 58.7 117 58.3 350 805 42.4 76.1 2.4 3899 0.40 60.1 124.6 64.5 371 680 43.4 74.4 2.3 4214 0.43 1.081
12:03:06 8 56 59.7 116.8 57.1 350 805 42.4 76.1 2.4 3819   61.1 125.2 64.1 371 680 43.4 74.4 2.3 4188   1.097
1:10:16 836 6.4 58 62.6 110.9 48.3 360 812 42.9 75.2 2.4 3192 0.38 63 114.3 51.3 380 683 42.9 75.2 2.4 3391 0.40 1.062
1:31:46 821 8.1 58 63.2 108.5 45.3 360 810 42.8 75.4 2.4 3001 0.36 63.6 101.3 37.7 510 1006 30.13 107.1 3.3 3548 0.43 1.182
2:00:06 8 58 63.3 104.6 41.3 360 810 42.8 75.4 2.4 2736   63.9 95.2 31.3 510 1006 30.13 107.1 3.3 2946   1.077


Note that after this test was completed and Scott and I discovered how well this simple simple collector did compared to the reference (backpass) collector, as well as its low pressure drop, we decided to start using this screen collector for the reference collector in the rest of the tests.



Gary April 12, 2011