Dave's £900 Homemade Solar Water Heating System

David lives at 52 degree North latitude in the UK -- a pretty tough location for solar water heating, but his homemade system works quite well.

The system is loosely modeled after our $1K system, but has a number of noteworthy features:

  • Very nice workmanship and details.

  • Solar heat is stored in the existing house thermal storage tank (which is used for both space and domestic water heating).

  • An aesthetically pleasing collector and mounting arrangement.

  • A pumping station that is mounted in a weather protected box on the back of the collector.

  • A freeze protection system that takes into account his unique circumstances.

Dave is a professional plumber who now teaches plumbing, and this shows in the attention to detail in the design and the careful workmanship.

Thanks very much to David for sending this in!

Here are a few pictures of the system, but see the link just below for a full 25 page detailed description from Dave.

UK DIY solar water heating system
Very attractive collector mounting.


Collector under construction.

Collector under construction.
Copper risers with aluminum fins.


vented heat store tank
The homes vented thermal heat store is used
for space and water heating.
pump box
Weather proof box mounted to back of
collector houses pump and valves.

Inside the pump box.


All the details -- A 25 page detailed description of the build...



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